What is the
Grand Vision
for your financial future?

What is the Grand Vision Difference?

Our name says it all. We have a Grand Vision for a beautiful future of financial freedom.
Many people dream of financial freedom, but there is a difference between a dream and a VISION.

While a dream can seem far in the future or too big to accomplish,
a Vision is a focused and dedicated effort to bring a dream to life.
Dreams become a Vision when you can actually see a path to making that dream a reality.

Here is a simple example: Maybe you dreamed about being a doctor or a pilot when you were a child.
As a child, it was simply a dream. Your parents may have seen a path, but it was far in the future to you.

Then, years passed…
Your responsibilities grew…
and your dream suddenly turned into a Vision.

All of a sudden, the path to achieving that dream was clear. You had vision on how to make it happen!

The first steps were taking courses that laid the foundation for that profession.
Then, you started gaining real world experience within that profession.
And finally, the Vision of your professional future was here. The focus of your Vision made your dream a reality.

That is what Grand Vision does for your financial future!

We have designed strategies and investments specifically for high income earners.

The goal is always to make money investing. However, the strategies are drastically different for someone who only makes $100k per year versus someone who makes $300k per year.

The $300k income earner has a profession that requires dedicated attention, and most likely long hours.

These Professionals are experts and specialists in their chosen field.
These Professionals don’t have extra hours each day for active investing and “side hustles.”

More importantly, they would actually make less money per hour by diverting focus from their specialty to a “side hustle.”

High income earners pay high taxes!
The person who makes $300k per year doesn’t qualify for the same tax incentives as the $100k earner.

Strategies purposely designed for tax reduction have a greater impact on a $300k professional than someone who makes much less.

This is why Grand Vision Capital Group is different.

You dream of a future with plenty of restful nights.
A future where you sleep in until 9am, and then peacefully sip your cup of coffee… without any interruptions.
A future where you plan your Hawaii vacation without any worry about looking at your schedule.
A future where you actually have the time and money to right the wrongs of this world.

You have a dream of financial freedom, we have a Vision for how to make it a reality!

Think about your kids, and how old they are today.
How quickly did they go from taking their first steps, to climbing all over the couch, to graduating high school?

Growing up seems far away, but all of a sudden you blink…
And you have grandkids running around.

We have experienced how quickly time flies by,
but we still hold onto this hope that we can somehow slow it down,
and not worry about “this or that” until tomorrow.

We implement the financial strategies TODAY that put you on the path to financial and time freedom.

How do we do it?
Just like you, we are specialists in our profession, but our expertise and focus is financial investments and specific strategies that create real wealth.

We designed these strategies and investments for ourselves first.
Then, we went out and perfected our craft, fine tuning the intricate details along the way.
Ultimately, ensuring we have the best plan for walking the path from “rich to wealthy.”

Because our expertise is finance, we focus on the strategies that provide the most “bang for the buck” for high income earners.

An investment strategy that saves $2,000 per year may have an impact on a family that makes $100k per year, but it just doesn’t move the needle for a high income earner.

Many high income earners are paying $50k or more per year just in federal income taxes.

Our strategies are purposely designed to increase your net worth without increasing your tax bill.

If you dream about that amazing future life,
sipping coffee in your pajamas,
staying up late to read a book in peace,
or taking in ocean views with your toes in the sand,
you need to ask yourself one question…

Do you have a focused Vision and a plan to make that dream a reality?

Have you researched and tested that plan to make sure it will get you where you dream of going?

Whether your dreams are:
being prepared for your retirement years,
working 30 hours per week instead of 60,
never hearing, “I wish you were there” from your child,
end the big corporations stronghold on middle America,
or your dream is to pass on wealth to your grandchildren so they can achieve their dreams,

Grand Vision Capital Group is here to give you a Vision for making that dream a reality!

If you feel that our purposely-designed techniques for high income earners can help get you on the right financial path, we are here to help in any way we can.

We are just a phone call or email away.

“The best time to start was
The next best time is