Why I Write These Articles

I write for a simple reason—because I don’t want to let life’s lessons pass me by.

Thoughts come and go, fleeting moments of insight that—if not captured—fade into the noise of daily life. Writing forces me to slow down, process those thoughts, and truly think them through rather than letting them slip away unnoticed. It gives me the space to challenge my own beliefs, refine my thinking, and, when necessary, change my mind.

But beyond that, writing serves as a form of documentation—a record of my experiences, decisions, and perspectives. Years from now, I want to be able to look back and validate or refute my original thoughts, using my own journey as a tool for growth. Life is a constant process of learning, and I don’t want to move through it blindly. I want feedback—whether from my past self, my peers, or those who challenge my ideas—so that I continue to evolve.

At the same time, these articles are bigger than just me. They are a blueprint for my kids, grandkids, and future generations—a way to pass down tested thought patterns, lessons learned, and ideas that worked (and didn’t work) for me. My hope is that they serve as a guide, helping those who come after me achieve their dreams in a bigger and more efficient way, avoiding the missteps I made and building on the successes I’ve had.

I also write because I believe in questioning the norm. Many of the perspectives I share differ from those commonly accepted in our world today. That’s intentional. I don’t believe in following the cultural herd just because it’s the easier path. Instead, I want to offer a different lens—a chance for others to pause, reflect, and consider a path that might align more with who they truly are.

And finally, I write because I believe in the power of constructive debate. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me—in fact, I welcome those who don’t. When someone challenges my perspective with thoughtful discussion, it opens the door for deeper reflection and, sometimes, a shift in my own thinking. Growth doesn’t come from echo chambers; it comes from being willing to engage with opposing ideas.

So that’s why I write. Not just to share, but to learn. Not just to document, but to grow. Not just to teach, but to challenge— both myself and others—to think bigger, live with intention, and forge a path that is uniquely their own.

And if something I write helps even one person see things differently or step more confidently into their own journey, then it’s all worth it.

To the lessons we learn along the paths we take,
To the principles we teach, and the legacies we leave,
and the faith to believe, that we can each achieve,
a truly Grand Vision!
Here’s to a life of purposeful adventure!

Your Friend,
Mike Neubauer

The best time to start was Yesterday.
But, the next best time is Today.